Tuesday, 22 October 2013

WOYWW #229 - not quite a pair!

Hi woyww'ers. How are we all today? As usual please go here to find out what this is about. In the meantime I guess you want to see my desk.

A slightly different angle to normal. My bag, which was given to me by my lovely friends in England before I left, and it's contents looking very 'pink' with the snake not too far from being finished. Next to that is my sock. One is completely done (thanks to the wonderful Donna at my knitting class who put me right) and the other is progressing well. I managed the fiddly wrap and turn stitches and am now working up the leg. You can see the finished one posing next to my ever increasing pile of socks for Christmas. Apart from my Union Jack bunting glass of water I think that's it for me this week.

We have visitors about to turn up from England and their 'space' is the other half of the loft I work in, so I may not be here next week, or I may be on a different table.

Can't wait to see what everyone is up to this week, there were some truly amazing desks last week and I struggled to get round all the people that visited me, some I wasn't able to leave comments which is a shame.





Anonymous said...

Lovely pink desk, that snake would make a great pair of socks too. That's a pretty bag too, it certainly holds a lot!

PS. I'll try and link up the right post this week, lol!

Create With Joy said...

Lovely desk. You and Brenda seem to have posted in concert!

Create With Joy #3

Unknown said...

Those multi-colored socks are so cute. I want a pair. Happy crafting #4

Deb said...

Great work with the knitting, glad you conquered that sock, I haven't had the nerve to try sock knitting yet!
Love the glass!

Unknown said...

Lol knitted socks seem to be the go at the moment, how wonderful! I couldn't wear them here as we are coming into our summer..but oh they would be great for next winter!! Love the colours and happy knitting and happy WOYWW! :-)
Janene #5

Monica said...

Kinky socks. Love the colrs. Having problems with iPad and cannot correct
So have a great week
Monica 15

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah what a pretty snake would not meeting it any day and so know what you mean about things just appearing happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #16 I think

Robin said...

Love your pretty pink desk today! Socks! My you are brave!

Have a wonderful week!

Hugs, Robin #23

Eliza said...

Lots of fantastic knitting, something I don't do much off. Love the colours nice and cheery. Have fun with your visitors
happy WOYWW
Eliza & Yoda 13

trisha too said...

Starting off the party with two wonderful posts of warm and wooly things--the snake is coming along!

#32 this week with
happy mail

The Taming of the Glue said...

Love seeing everones knitting. It's a skill I never mastered. Hugs. Pam#38

Helen said...

That's some knitting you have going on! Hope you have a lovely time with your visitors. Helen 20

Belinda Basson said...

I just came from another desker who is knitting up a sock storm...must be the season! #57

Julia Dunnit said...

Visitors - a good reason to be distracted - hope you all have a great time. Loving the news on the socks, the turning bit seems so tricky, am so admiring that you don't give up. Your lovely bag is stuffed full of stuff..you aren't daunted by that ever present 'to do' feeling then?!

Annie said...

I love all the pink in your bag today. Have fun with your visitors.
A x # 62

Shoshi said...

Great pink desk, Famfa, and I love all those socks! Someone is going to be nice and warm this winter!

Happy WOYWW,

Angie said...

Socks are cool gifts, especially when they are fun colors and don't match! happy woyww
Angie #85

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Look at that bag of loveliness! It gives me the warm fuzzier, it does :-). The pink stripy snake is coming on a treat and well done for persevering with the socks...you've got way more patience than me!
Hugs, LLJ 7 xx

Julie Lee said...

Loving all the pinks and that super pile of socks! This is one toasty warm looking desk! Happy WOYWW! Julie Ann xx #28

Heathers Inspiration said...

Love the shades of pink, and pretty colours. Have a Beautiful week Heather #82

Winnie said...

Wow,this makes me wish I did needle work! I love the idea of making socks for people! Lucky family and friends to recieve them. Enjoy the week! Winnie#73

pearshapedcrafting said...

Great pile of socks there! Love the one you're doing now! Chris 102

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. More sock knitting. So jealous, as I have always wanted to do this. Ali x #49

Donna Wheat said...

love the colours of the work and the bag, such nice colours together, Donna #52

Ann said...

Gorgeous wooliness....and pink too :D
I wish I were more advanced in knitting, Have a crafty week!!
Hugs Ann-R (109) x

Twiglet said...

I am so late getting round this week but just needed to snoop a few desks! - Fab knitting bag and lovely pinkiness in there. x Jo