Well hello. How are you today? Come and join in with MMOM over at http://jumbleberries.blogspot.com

So what have I been up to or what have I got planned?
Running. Have just been for my first run since moving here. Boy it's cold. And I don't just mean on your face, legs etc. I mean on your lungs. Breathing in -4 hurts. I think I need to learn a different way of breathing. I only managed 25 minutes but it was up and down hill with snow and ice so I don't think it was too bad for a first effort for many months. Will try and fit this in to my routine every week now. There I've said it now and I'm sure you'll tell me if I slack off.
Eating Gales Lemon Curd. Because the lovely Mrs B bought me some fromthe British shop. She's a star. Oh how I missed you Lemon Curd.
Hosting a pay it forward giveaway here which will be drawn on the 20 February 2012. Why not pop along and comment for a chance to win something handmade by me.
Knitting a bag. I won some bag handles from The Felt Fairy and I had two ideas that's was trying to work with but then I came a Ross a knitting pattern last night for what I was looking for. So now I have three bags on the go, all different.
Painting my own milk jug and being with some lovely people who also painted their own pots. Can't wait to see what they look like finished.
Shopping as Small informed me (5 minutes before school bus arrived) that he has grown out of all of his jeans). Why does that boy keep growing? I can't keep up with him! He's going to be a giant!
Tidying as my family seem to have me with a tip of a house! How did they all sneak out without me noticing the mess they had left?
Listening to Radio 1 (I may be in Canada but I can't do without my Radio 1!), even though Greg James keeps telling me the time 5 hours ahead. I love the British accent and I love hearing the news and weather from home. It makes me feel like I am not so far away.
Watching The Good Wife. Watched it back home but it's further on here. So have missed a chunk but still like it.
Looking forward to watching Cake Boss tonight. Huffle made sure we had the channel as we love this.
Well I better make a start with all the things I said would do.
Let me know if you join in so I can pop over and see what you are up to today and also go and see what Clare is up to.